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Cognitive Neuroscience of Mindfulness

Philippe Goldin | 48:56


Hi, everybody. Welcome. Today I'm here. My name is Peter Allen. I'm the director of Google University and I'd like to introduce Philippe Goldin. Philippe or something. Just a moment about his background is a postdoctoral researcher. 

So Philippe Goldin is a postdoctoral researcher in clinically applied Affective Neuroscience in the Department of Psychology at Stanford, holds a PhD in Clinical Psychology from Rutgers. He also spent six years in India and Nepal, studying languages, Buddhist philosophy, and debate, which means that he can prove you wrong in a non violent way. In languages you don't even understand. 

Fully Phillipe is currently doing clinical research funded by the NIH in three areas. And here I have to read because otherwise, I'll say all wrong. neuro imaging investigations of cognitive affective mechanisms in healthy adults and individuals with various forms of psychopathology, the effect of mindfulness meditation, and cognitive behavioral therapy on neural substrates of emotion and attention regulation, and the effect of child parent mindfulness meditation training. 

Question is, why does this matter? Felipe and his colleagues are working on understanding how meditation affects the brain. And I can think of at least four implications for this. One is that meditation is moving out of the realm of faith based practice into into the realm of recognized science. To as this research is better accepted, more people will practice and benefit from meditation. Three, you'll be able to submit the cost of your zafu and zabuton as medical expenses, although not this year. 

And fourth implication, if you haven't already, you should immediately go to go slash si y, and sign up for the next round of Search Inside Yourself Google's own mindfulness based emotional intelligence class. So without further ado, please take a deep breath, focus. And join me in welcoming Philippe Goldin whose talk today is entitled The cognitive neuroscience of mindfulness meditation.

Wow, thank you so much. That was a beautiful introduction. So without further ado, I just thank you very much for the opportunity to be here and to share some ideas and open questions and suggestions. And let's let's start. So today I'm going to speak briefly a little bit about attention, mindfulness, and brain systems, some cutting edge research, where there's a huge amount of interest both from a clinical side because I'm trained as a clinical psychologist, psychotherapist, and also neuroscience. I'm also trained as a neuroscientist.

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