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Mindfulness as a Potential Means of Attenuating Anger and Aggression for Prospective Criminal Justice Professionals

Kelley, T. M., & Lambert, E. G.

On being mindful, emotionally aware, and more resilient: Longitudinal pilot study of police recruits

Williams, V., Ciarrochi, J., & Deane, F. P.

Awareness and Ethics in Dispute Resolution and Law: Why Mindfulness Tends to Foster Ethical Behavior

Riskin, L. L.

Reflections on the Potential Growth of Mindfulness Meditation in the Law

Codiga, D. A.

Building Resilience in Social Workers: An Exploratory Study on the Impacts of a Mindfulness-based Intervention

Crowder, R., & Sears, A.

Addressing Moral Suffering in Police Work: Theoretical Conceptualization and Counselling Implications

Papazoglou, K., Blumberg, D. M., Kamkar, K., McIntyre-Smith, A., & Koskelainen, M.

Mindfulness in policing

Fitzhugh, H., Michaelides, G., Connolly, S., & Daniels, K.

Who benefits from mindfulness? The moderating role of personality and social norms for the effectiveness on psychological and physiological outcomes among police officers

Krick, A., & Felfe, J.

Individual characteristics, secondary trauma and burnout in police sexual and violent offending teams Medline | ISI

Gray, C., & Rydon-Grange, M.

Mindfulness-based stress reduction improves the general health and stress of Chinese military recruits: A pilot study

Guo, D., Sun, L., Yu, X., Liu, T., Wu, L., Sun, Z., ... & Liu, W.

Mindfulness, Compassion, and the Police in America: An Essay of Hope

DeValve, M. J., & Adkinson, C. D.

Cultivating emotional intelligence in child welfare professionals: A systematic scoping review

Perry, M. A., Creavey, K., Arthur, E., Humer, J. C., Lundgren, P. J., & Rivera, I.

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