Why Do Our Brains Find Change Difficult?
Hilary Scarlett
Hilary Scarlett, author of 'Neuroscience for Organizational Change', considers why our brains find change so difficult.
Our brains find change difficult because our brains is all about survival, that's the key thing they want to do is help us survive. So in order to help us survive, there's two key things our brains are constantly trying to do. It's about avoiding threat.
And it's about seeking reward. But most of all, it's about avoiding threat. To avoid threat, what our brains want to do is they want to be able to predict because if they can predict what's going to happen, they can protect us better. And what change means they can't predict because they don't know what's going to happen. So when our brains are faced by change, a particular change that we can't control, they go into a threat state, they're going to flight or fight, people will be familiar with the term.