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Robin Boudette, Ph.D. | 9:10

Aversion prompts the flip-side of compulsive behaviors. It is a strong dislike, disinclination even animosity that can derail our emotional state. Like cravings, aversions are often baked into our sub-conscious, and triggered unconsciously by a thought, feeling or emotional state. Aversions create discomfort.


Discomfort abounds in an environment of change and uncertainty. Neuroscience tells us that change of any kind sub-consciously signals danger, and that uncertainty registers in the brain as an unsettling error that needs to be resolved.


These are primitive, somewhat irrational triggers - yet they take us out of our comfort zone and can adversely affect our emotions and behaviors.   


The more we become aware through insight and self-inquiry, of our non-conscious aversions - the better we’re able to respond skillfully and rationally to difficult circumstances. Familiarity with our aversions can help us sit calmly, patiently and non-judgmentally with discomfort they may produce. 

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