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The Science of Happiness

Stop, Breathe & Think | 4:57

Positive Psychology is a new and robust field of study. It is not “positive thinking” or a self-help category - it is a rigorous and empirical discipline. Its key co-founders are psychologists Dr. Martin Seligman and Dr. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, and it has roots in neuroscience, behavioral psychology, cognitive behavioral therapy and the humanities. 

Mindfulness was present at the founding, and is interwoven with the practice of positive psychology. This makes sense when we consider the outcomes of mindfulness: increased positivity, a greater sense of coherence, better quality of life, empathy, compassion, engagement and better relationships.   


The impact of mindfulness on positivity and wellbeing starts with an open awareness of our thoughts, emotions and sensations - the capability to exit self-referential rumination and worry - to direct and sustain our attention - to be self aware and regulate our emotions - and to build positive relationships. Mindfulness creates the conditions and trains the mental skills for joy, happiness and emotional fulfillment.

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