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Trick Your Brain to Like Hard Things


James Clear




James Clear reveals the power of small improvements in "Trick Your Brain to Like Hard Things" through Team Sky's success story. how the aggregation of marginal gains, focusing on 1% improvements in various areas, led to significant performance enhancements and multiple Tour de France victories.


I'd like to start with a story. And the story is about Team Sky, which is Great Britain's professional cycling team sometime in the mid 2000s. Around 2010 They hired a man named Dave Brailsford. And at the time, Team Sky had a very middle of the road record when it came to performance on the world stage. They had won about one gold medal in the last 100 years from 1908 to 2008.

They had never won a Tour de France the premier event in cycling. And when they hired DaveBrailsford, they said we would like to change this. We'd like to improve our performance. We'd like to reach a higher level of performance. What's your plan to help us do that? And when they hired Brailsford, he said I have this strategy called the aggregation of marginal gains. And the way that he described it was the 1% improvement in nearly everything that you do. And so they started by looking at a lot of things you would expect a cycling team to look at.

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