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Attention and Multitasking


Dr. Richard Chambers




Dr Richard Chambers, clinical psychologist and mindfulness consultant, talks some of the applications of mindfulness for performance management.


In part four, we're now going to move on and look at some of the applications of mindfulness for performance enhancement. And so what we see here in this slide, these two look very, very mindful. If you take a close look at these two, they they really exhibit qualities of attentiveness, curiosity, what we've what we've been calling mindfulness. And this is actually an innate quality in humans. So when we're when we're little, we're naturally curious about everything. But of course, as we go through life, we become familiar with things, we start taking things for granted, we start to relate to our world through concepts and ideas, and that curiosity naturally starts to diminish.

So here are some pictures of you know, being at the beach, at the beach with your friends, following your favorite football or basketball team, is a typical scene these days being out to dinner, you know, a bunch of people sitting around on their phones, even on dates, right. And so more and more aware with technology, of course, he's contributing to this, but just generally, the busyness of life, the stresses of life.

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