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Finding Focus and Fighting Distraction


Gloria Mark, Talks at Google




Psychologist Dr. Gloria Mark discusses her book “Attention Span: The New Science of Finding Focus and Fighting Distraction in the Digital Age,” a study on how technology use affects people.


Hello, Good day everyone. Today it's my distinct honor and pleasure to welcome psychologist Dr. Gloria mark to discuss your book, attention span a groundbreaking way to restore balance, happiness and productivity. Hello, and welcome, Dr. Mark.

Thank you so much for having me.

Absolutely. It's our pleasure. Super, super excited to be connected with you today. Just gonna do a very brief intro. So folks kind of have a little bit more context. But again, welcome Dr. Mark. You are Chancellor, Professor of Informatics at the University of California Irvine. And you've received your doctoral doctoral degree in psychology from Columbia University, all the way across the country.

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