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How to Lead in a Crisis


Dr. Amy Edmondson




Humility, transparency and urgency are the keys to successfully steering an organization -- big or small -- through the challenges that come your way. Leadership expert Amy C. Edmondson provides clear advice and examples to help any leader rise to the occasion.


We think of a great leader as the unwavering captain who guides us forward through challenging complexity. Confident, unwavering leaders, armed with data and past experience have long been celebrated in business and politics alike. 

But sometimes, and certainly now, a crisis comes along that is so new and so urgent that it up ends everything we thought we knew. One thing we know for sure is that more upheavals are coming in a completely interconnected world, a single political uprising, a viral video, a distant tsunami, or a tiny virus can send shock waves around the world, upheaval creates fear. And in the midst of it, people crave security which can incline leaders toward the usual tropes of strength, confidence, constancy, but it won't work. We have to flip the leadership playbook.

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