MBSR the Attitude of Non-striving
Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn
Almost everything we do we do for a purpose, to get something or somewhere. But in meditation this attitude can be a real obstacle.
In the cultivation of, uh, meditative awareness or mindful awareness, um, we take the unusual. For Westerners to actually not try to get anywhere else. This is what we call non-striving or even non-doing to, uh, actually allow things to be held in awareness without having. To operate on them without having to make anything happen or try to experience some special state of either relaxation or wellbeing or anything, but to simply be with the unfolding of life from moment to moment without any agenda whatsoever.
It turns out this is tremendously healing, tremendously restorative for us too, because we have so many agendas and we're always on the way to some better moment in the future, or trying to escape from something in the past. But to actually be in a place where we are practicing non-striving and non-doing, where we just let things be as they are is, as I said, tremendously, uh, nurturing and, and.