Neuroscience and Coaching
Dr. Marie-Christine Potvin
This video lecture explores the neurological basis of coaching. Through this lecture, you will learn about the coaching response to stress as well as how coaching relates to neuroplasticity. This lecture delves into topics such as neuroimaging and biomarkers, amygdala hijack, cortisol, and cognitive training as they relate to coaching. The video includes various examples and interactive questions.
Now we're going to dive into the neuroscience of coaching now that I hope all of you have a strong basis in what coaching is, what it isn't, and specifically the coaching and context framework. So in terms of their neurological basis of coaching, as of now, there is limited rigorous research on coaching and neuroscience. And part of this is because there's a lack of objective measures for coaching interventions and what effects it has and I encourage you to look at the doctoral capstone presentation, Haman did a capstone with Mulcahy in 2021, where the student reviewed what objectives measures could be used for coaching interventions to understand its effects.
And there was an article by Diaz at all in 2015, that also explored this topic of how we can use more objective measures to understand the neuro neurological basis of coaching, such as non invasive neuro imaging and bio assay techniques. And there really have been past studies of using these techniques to show the effect of cognitive behavioral therapy so we can really take a lead from this field. We now know a lot of evidence for how cognitive behavioral therapy impacts the brain for clients with depression, panic disorder, specific phobia and PTSD.