The Power of Psychedelics
Michael Pollan
Michael Pollan, best known for his investigations into the complicated human-food-plants relationship (The Omnivore’s Dilemma, The Botany of Desire), now turns his attention to the power of psychedelics. While scientists struggle to find treatments for various ailments and addictions, in his new book How to Change Your Mind, Pollan argues the next medical revolution may have already begun. Join him for a talk on psychedelics or what Pollan argues is a new frontier in our understanding of the mind, the self, and our place in the world. Pollan will be in conversation with Alison Cuddy, CHF's Marilynn Thoma Artistic Director
Thank you.
Thank you very much. Thank you Michael Pollen, for being here. I speak on behalf of this entire room who seems incredibly excited at your presence. Well, it's great to be here and this beautiful, this beautiful room. Yeah. This is a wonderful place, especially for this conversation. . Yes. It's got about changing our minds.
Well it has spiritual implications. Yes, it does. Um, and I wanna come to that. Um, I was thinking with Philip's remarks that this is just. The kind of program that Scott Falk would've been deeply engaged with him. You know, he's a lawyer and he would've had lots of questions and thoughts about policy. And so I will do my best to, um, channel, honor his spirit, channel him, um, in my questions tonight.