The Truth Behind “Brain-Based” Learning
Dr. Janet Zadina
In this video, Janet Zadina uncovers the truth behind some of the most commonly held brain-based learning myths.
I thank you for coming to the session. This is such an exciting conference, I couldn't sleep last night for thinking about how I would love to teach science and all the wonderful things that they have now to do, but let's get started right away, because I have so much I want to share with you. But the first thing I'd like to do is I'd like you to take a pretest, and I strongly encourage you to just on scratch paper, write down true or false so you can see how many trues you get and how many falses you get as we go through this little pretest.
Okay, so we're going to take a quick True or False test. Students can learn something without actively paying attention to it. True or false, we use only 10% of our brains, of our brain understanding a student's learning style can help us teach them better, true or false. Physical activities that cross the midline, such as brain gym, help students learn better through integration of left and right brain you know, where they do this kind of thing, okay, true or false,some people are more left brained and some are more right brained, drinking fewer than six to eight glasses of water a day can cause the brain to shrink.Male and female brains are different, and we should adjust our teaching accordingly.