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What Is It to Be Emotionally Mature: Part One


School of Life




Emotional maturity is a state few of us ever reach - or at least not for very long. But it may help us to try to lay out what some of the ingredients are so that we have an idea of what we might aim for.


Emotional maturity is a state that few of us ever reach, or at least not for very long. But it may help us to try to lay out what some of the ingredients of it are. So that we can have an idea of what we might aim for. If we were to grow into emotionally mature people, this is some of what we would have learned how to be.

We would understand the key role of self understanding in helping us to grow into more reliable and predictable partners, parents, friends and colleagues, our greatest ambition would be to reach a heightened understanding of our own minds, we would constantly be aware of not being able to complete more than a fraction of this elevated goal, and would therefore be deeply cautious in all our assertions and conclusions.

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