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Why Finding Purpose Is SO HARD Today


Dr. Alok Kanojia




Discovering one's purpose in today's fast-paced and complex world can indeed be a daunting task. In this video, we embark on an exploration of strategies and insights aimed at uncovering your purpose amidst the challenges of our modern society.


So it seems to me like more and more people are starting to try to figure out, like, what are we doing here? Like, in on this planet, on this earth, like, what's the purpose of life?

I sort of see this manifest in kind of the anti war crowd, where people are like, is this what life is supposed to be I'm supposed to wake up every day at 7am I commute for an hour, work until five, commute home. I exercise for 30 minutes, cook for this amount of time, and then I have to get in bed so I'm not burnt out the next day, and it's just like, rinse and repeat until I die. Is this really what life is about? And on the flip side, we have like, the sigma grind set folks, right? These are the people that are kind of like, okay, like, I'm gonna grind. And like you gotta, you gotta grind to get ahead, and you gotta be an alpha, and you gotta go sigma grind set, you know, that's really how you, like you make it in life, is you have the side hustle, and you grow your side hustle, then you have your side side hustle, and you try to hustle as much as you can.

And then if you hustle a lot, then you can become successful, and you can get lots of money, and then, like, you can retire early, right? There's the fire folks, which is financial independence, and retire early. So these are people who are kind of thinking, Okay, since life starts with retirement, the goal of life is to, like, step out of that grind as quickly as possible, make your millions, that you can enjoy life. So instead of retiring at the age of 60. What I'm going to do is try to figure out, how can I retire at the age of 45 or 46 or 46 and a half, and then I can start living life? So I'm going to sacrifice the best years of my life so that I can enjoy the latter years of my life.

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