Stoicism and the Art of Not Caring
Andreas Züst
Stoicism is a potent ancient philosophy that remains extremely important in today's age. In this video, we explore and interpret some of Stoicism's teachings in attempt to better understand how we can try to find some happiness in a world of increasingly overt sadness, anxiety, and dissatisfaction.
We are born into this world hungry, vulnerable and confused. As we go through life we attempt to eliminate these feelings by trying to control the conditions of the world around us. We seek toaccomplish and obtain things, achieve higher status, acquire wealth or fame, develop power and so on. We live with the persisting hopefulness that in the future we will have and control enough stuff to free ourselves of our emptiness, vulnerability and confusion and find some ultimate happiness and security outside of ourselves. This hopeful vision of the future might sound reasonable, but perhaps it is what keeps us contained in our problems.
To help us better understand and deal with our seemingly unquenchable hunger for ultimate control and happiness outside of ourselves. We will look to the ancient philosophy of stoicism. stoicism is a philosophy that started in ancient Greece and was then further popularized in ancient Rome. stoicism is an especially unique philosophy and how potently it has withstood the test of time across 1000s of years. Arguably, the teachings and wisdom of stoic philosophy are equally if not more relevant today than ever. In recent history, stoicism has found huge appeal.