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Authenticity and Empathy


Dr. Daniel Goleman




Leadership depends on tuning into people, talking to them in a way they understand, motivating them, influencing them, and listening to them. Daniel Goleman talked with Bill George about how a leader's empathy is empty without authenticity.


Bill, there's another kind of focus that I'm really interested in your thoughts on. I call it other focus focus on the person you're with on the people around you. And, of course, leadership depends on being able to tune into people, talk to them in a way they understand, motivate them, influence them, listen to them.

There are three kinds of empathy. There's cognitive empathy, cognitive empathy means understanding how the other person thinks the terms in which they perceive the world, what their mental models are. Understanding that can make you a very powerful communicator, because you know how to put things so people understand. The second kind is emotional empathy. And this involves actually different circuitry in the brain that helps us resonate, and feel in ourselves what the other person's feeling. And it creates a sense of resonance of chemistry of rapport. And the third kind is what's called empathic concern.

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