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How Brain Scientists Think About Consciousness


Arnold B. Scheibel




Is consciousness a scientific problem to be solved? Or a philosophical problem that will remain a mystery? What do scientists who study the brain think? And why do they think the way they do? These leading brain scientists share their intimate ideas about how the brain generates consciousness.


RNA when we think about human consciousness, the specialness that we all feel about being human. In reality, it gets back to our brain, we have to talk about the brain. How could this three pound, matter? Piece of matter? think and feel? It seems incomprehensible.

Robert, I guess that's the most pressing question that any of us any of us can answer. And obviously, we don't, we don't know, let me take a whole brain just use it as a kind of more as a thought weight than anything else. We do know that action is based on input and output. Action to be appropriate needs an evaluation. And the sensory input gives us the raw materials for that evaluation.

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