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Mindfulness at Ciena

Mindfulness at Ciena

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Mindfulness at Ciena

Brian Ruffner | 52:01


We're on a bit of a time window today, I'd like to say hello, and welcome to everybody that's attending today, it's really great to have you here, I'm, you know, I'm really happy that you can take 45 minutes, 50 minutes out of your day, to think about mindfulness and hear some some great ideas and great innovative approaches. My name is Mike Foster. And I know a lot of you those that don't know me, I'm the chairman at the Institute for organizational science of mindfulness.


And if you're not familiar with your organization, we're a membership association, we have about 5000 members today, mostly in human capital and operating roles inside various sized organizations all the way from startups to Fortune 100 companies, and we share a mission to bring mindfulness into business and education, government, et cetera, okay to, to do a couple of things, one, to detoxify, if you will, the workplace, and be able to provide a much better baseline of mental health tools for our people inside our companies, but also for providing new mental and emotional skills, that companies have never been able to, you know, really train or teach their people in, and now are becoming critically important for all of us to simply do our functional jobs.


So, you know, this is a, it's a big undertaking big enough enterprise solution that, you know, we're hoping we're at the tipping point for now. So that's, that's IOSM. These case study webcasts, of which this is our our newest, is a series of webcasts where we have interviewed and profiled, you know, movers and shakers inside the early adopting companies like Microsoft and, and SAP and Intel, who have actually grown mindfulness programs inside the company.

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